Home - Comet Interactive : A Video Content Agency for the Digital World
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Comet Interactive

A Video Content Agency for the Digital World

We create compelling brand narratives through customized video production for clients and budgets of all sizes.
Strategy Builders

Strategy is the foundation of everything we do. We can help develop a concept and partner with you to make sure it’s going to meet your goals from the get-go.

Digital Pros

This isn’t our first rodeo. We’re with you from conception to creation to analysis, making sure every detail is handled.

Idea Generators

What’s a project without a great idea? We’ve got lots of those – ideas to make your message shine through and give you a leg-up over your competitors.

Hosting Decoders

There are a lot of hosting sites out there, and it can be overwhelming. We’ll help you find a right hosting solution that’s a perfect fit.

Results Driven

Viewer becomes researcher. Researcher becomes customer. Digital creative can help make those conversions. We’ll help set up your media to increase conversions and ROI.

The Web’s Next Big Boom

So the digital world is about to pivot. Ready?

The written word is becoming obsolete, at least for online marketing purposes. It’s being replaced with moving pictures and speech. It’s true. From play rates to watch rates; from shares to click-through, the metrics make it clear. Video content far outperforms everything else on the web.